Let me inject my two cents if you please. I shop on line Rarely. Why? the answer is multiple reasons.
1- I don't like waiting for mail. Many are delivered by Non-Amazon or other private contractors
2- I have recieved more damaged kits this way.
3- I am old, and old fashioned. I want to hold the box, study the Box and decide.
4- My LHS lets me open the kit if there is a question, if no one else has built this particular kit
5- I wouldn't pick a Car ,House, Or other items on line. Why? Well in the first two I want to make sure I am getting what I ordered. The third reason, you don't always get what you want. They sometimes send something else, because yours is discontinued or out of stock. I have had that happen!
So you see Brick and Mortar Hobby Shops are still necessary. I would NEVER buy an R.C. Ship Kit without seeing it in person. After all like the Arizona and Iowa kits, If I am spending that kind of Money, I want to see for sure what I am getting.
Many on line sources don't have the kit laid out like they sometimes do on the "Bay". So that leaves me wondering what version I can actually build. I could go on , But you get the drift. Plus the U.S. Postal Service has rules concerning shipments of Paint etc.