Those holding companies and investment buyers are only interested in the short sell. They are like the movie "Other People's Money." Come in, buy out sell off. Rarely, if ever, does the customer get a better product or service. Here in New England, the ubiquiutous Dunkin' Donuts was bought by an investment firm. It went from a coffee shop with a counter, proceain coffee mugs and donuts made fresh in the store. A palce to congregate. After the buy out, the counters were gone, donuts were made centrally and delivers maybe on a daily basis selection went down and drive through became #1 prority at the expense of the customer in the store with cash in hand. We hand a very good departemnt store, Lechmere Sales. It was taken over by Montgomery Ward. In very short order, it, too, was gone. Frindlly's Ice Cream was a familty owned business and dominated the ice cream and casual dining market. Multiple megacorp buyers reduced service, selection and increased prices. It's on the verge of disappearing from the market it owned.