As I Write This:
I have about Five projects strung out on the bench area! Why? Well, let me tell a story and I will tell it all. This isn't about the Mountain boy who drove Illegal Alcohol(I have the 57 ford and the 49 somewhere close by though.)LOL.LOL.
As you know, I told everyone about my Parkinsons. I can build, But I need special hand supports to tone down the shaking to a level that lets me work. So Far-So Good. But, I have found one confusing thing here!
My doctor said this is normal. I have the drive, but I cannot concentrate of one thing for a long time! So when I feel myself running out of steam, I snatch another model and do some work on it.
This Has helped a lot. It just confuses anyone who comes to see me! When I look around at the partially finished and panted models, I realise I am on track, just in multiples of objects at once. You Know What? I find this way of building very satisfying. Why? Well, I actually see progress every where!
So if you are handed Lemons-Definitely make Lemonade!