Thanks everybody for your kind compliments on my collection!.
Merlin, Does it really matter who did the models?. It's my collection anyway!.
During the past 30+ years I'd been modeling myself, hundreds of them.
But they look shabby, nobody wanna take a look at it. So later on, some
6-7 years ago I started to contract-out modeling jobs to some skill modelers.
As an economist, this is a good thing to do because it complies with world
economic principles, i.e., distribution of income, division of labor and
specialization of jobs!.
You see, in so doing everybody is happy. My modelers are happy because
of good pay (and also compliments from visitors), I am happy because the
outputs are so nice, and my Website's visitors are mostly impressed, and
I've got so much compliments the years. What more could you ask for?. ;-)
tigerman, you haven't seen the other half of my collection yet!. try this, available
just now :