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What is the best way to dispose of kits you will never build?

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    November 2005
What is the best way to dispose of kits you will never build?
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 27, 2003 11:48 AM
HI all, I need your advice. I have quite a few older (mid 90s) 1/43 scale Formula One kits (white metal and photoetch) that I finally realized that I will never be able to build. What is the best way to dispose of them? I thought of putting them on ebay, but there aren't very many models there in the first place. It's probably a very small market that is interested in that kind of thing anyway. I guess it's like buying a pink car - if you like it fine, but the chances of selling it are about zero!

Thanks in advance for all of your suggestions!
  • Member since
    February 2003
  • From: Sandusky Ohio, USA
Posted by Swanny on Saturday, December 27, 2003 12:43 PM
You must be looking at ebay in the wrong way because I'm seeing thousands of models there. Find a local boys/girls club and give them away.
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  • From: Canada / Czech Republic
Posted by upnorth on Saturday, December 27, 2003 12:49 PM
I would say, considering the multimedia nature of the kits, your best bet would be to find the nearest IPMS chapter to where you live and give the kits to them. They could auction them off to their members at one of their monthly meetings and use the money to further intrest in the hobby. Its win-win really, you get the kits off your hands and the hobby gets a shot in the arm from you.

A few years back, I had a bunch of kits that I knew I wouldn't get to (they were just plain injection molded kits). I decided to donate them to local thrift shops so perhaps some kid from a low income family could take a shot at this hobby that they wouldn't normally get.

Certainly you can't give multimedia kits to a thrift shop where inexperienced modeling hands can get at them so the IPMS is your best bet.
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    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:48 AM
Give them to
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:51 AM
I'd look to donate them to some sort of local modeling club, either IPMS, or otherwise. This is assuming you are willing to 'give' them away!

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  • From: UK
Posted by gregers on Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:58 AM

if you dont want to stand the loss involved in giving them away or donating them someplace you could go onto a site that encourages trading (see links below) and sell or trade them for kits that you do want to build. hope this helps. Greg
Why torture yourself when life will do it for you?
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    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 28, 2003 1:05 PM
Or you could be like my husband and hoard them in your loft for insulation, according to him it saves us so much on our winter heating bills!
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  • From: USA
Posted by mark956 on Sunday, December 28, 2003 1:12 PM
LOL Mrs. Dj. Here is a link for E-bay that will help you out Joseph.
I hope it helps you out.
  • Member since
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  • From: Racing capital of the world- Indy
Posted by kaleu on Sunday, December 28, 2003 10:49 PM
I sell or trade mine for kits that I do want to build. In the past year I have been able to do away with 7 kits I knew I wouldn't build. Try looking for car modelling sites that have "wanted ads".
Erik "Don't fruit the beer." Newest model buys: More than I care to think about. It's time for a support group.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:42 PM

Gotta love that Mrs. DJ!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:49 PM
If it was me I'd give them to Big Brothers or something like that.
Happy New Year,
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  • From: New Zealand
Posted by nicholma on Monday, December 29, 2003 2:50 AM
You are being way too pessimistic about your chances of selling them. They are probably completely the wrong thing to donate to beginers and your loss is going to be considerable, they perhaps cost more than an average Tamiya kit. A Tameo or BBR today is about 30-50% more than Tamiya/Haseqawa, even though you got them a few years ago the relativity would have been about the same. If you want to keep building such kits then trade them in for new ones. Grand Prix Models is a good start (

Depending upon what the kits are you may well get some good prices. I'm after the March 811 do you have one of those? In fact what do you have? There may be several of us here that could be interested.
Kia ora, Mark "Time flies like the wind, fruit flies like bananas"
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  • From: 37deg 40.13' N 95deg 29.10'W
Posted by scottrc on Monday, December 29, 2003 8:04 AM
Do your research before giving them away. Check the internet in everyplace you can to get a feel of the value of the kits. I gave away a huge collection of unwanted kits two years ago. Then I found e-bay. If I kept some of those kits I could have made a large downpmt on my house based on what they are selling for on ebay. It takes a knack to sell on ebay. If there are not many kits of your type, then that may be the time to sell since the price depends on supply and demand.


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 29, 2003 11:47 AM
I have a friend who used to model and has shown interest in starting up again, so I give them to him.
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  • From: Green Bay, WI USA
Posted by echolmberg on Monday, December 29, 2003 12:49 PM
What I do with my kits is give them to kids. I always hope that it will get them turned on to this wonderful hobby of ours. I have a couple of nephews to whom I give them. Also, at work my old boss has a couple of kids who are getting into model building. Each time they get a new kits he always comes up to me and is like "Hey guess what my kids got now!" Whenever I have an old FSM magazine that I can pass on, I make sure to give it to him to hand off to his kids. This is just me talking here but I find that giving them to a kid enriches my heart even though I could have sold the kit to get some cash out of it. The excitement in their eyes and the smile on their faces will last longer than the money ever will. It also beats giving them a video game.


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 12:42 PM
hi nicholma, thanks for the encouragement!! I'm sorry I don't have the March you are looking for. What I have is: (all tameo) Mclaren MP4/10, 13, and 14, Ferrari 412 T2, Williams FW16 (which is the last car Ayrton Senna, my hero drove) and also the tameo "F1 Champion" series MP/6 that has all the lift off body with everything detailed underneath. And, a BBR Ferrari F310. So, there they are. Over time my modeling tastes have changed, and so has my eyesight! so these days I am back to my first modeling love, WW2 era planes.

I'm not totally against donating them to someone, but obviously children are not the correct target. Besides getting frustrated, they could even be injured messing around with this kind of a kit. And, I hope this dosen't sound selfish, but it would be nice to come away with something that could go into modeling from these things.

By the way, I hope it doesn't seem like I am trying to use this forum to sell my stuff, that is not the point at all. It drives me crazy when people do that, and I don't want to be seen as the same.

Thanks for the input everyone!!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 2:58 PM
donate to me. im just a poor student who spend all his money on a craptek a370. please... im still saving up for the iwata revolution cr... email me at

really i odnt have any money
  • Member since
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  • From: Connecticut, USA
Posted by Aurora-7 on Friday, January 2, 2004 10:51 AM
Ebay. I've sold several kits that way and it's worked out well. If you choose to sell this way just make sure you have a minimal price to start with that you can live with if it's the oly bid you get.




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