For $40?
1. A hobby knife set. The kind in the small case that has 3 or four different handles
2. Three grades of wet-dry sand paper: 400, 600 and 1000.
3. A piece of heavy glass 12" x 12" - for cutting on. Gives sharp edged cut.
4. A sprue cutter/side cutter. - Xuron is one brand, but the same thing can be had in the craft section at Walmart.
5. Small needle nose pliers. - Ditto
6. Small fine point and regular tweezers - For handling parts... fingers are a no-no. Cosmetic section of WalMart.
7. Regular and small cuticle sized scissors - WalMart
8. Cement for styrene to go with the super glue.
9. Artists ruling or bow pen. Art stores. Use to apply styrene cement
10. Putty for models
11 . Sanding/polishing sticks- the kind your wife uses for her nails
Get this stuff locally. WalMart has almost all of it.