Aside from what's already been mentioned about having fun, I'd say be ready to use "tools" that you wouldn't expect. The big examples I've ended up using are
-clothespins ( for holding parts together while cement dries )
- green foam plastic blocks ( holding sub-assemblies while spray-painting )
- toothpicks ( holding the aforementioned ssuvassemblies on the aforementioned blocks as well as useful for applying the 'gel' cement from the tube and scraping paint from canopies where it went over the lines )
- Lego blocks ( very helpful for containing molding material if you get into resin casting, and I got that tip from FSM )
- broken guitar strings ( for pipe details )
- eye shadow applicators ( for applying weathering powders/pastels )
- Silly Putty, salt ( both for masking effects when airbrushing/spray painting, also mentioned FSM contributors )
- Q-Tips ( for moving decals and "rolling out" the bubbles/wrinkles )
You'll get more like these from FSM as well as here in the forums.