Ahh yes, a common fixation with current interists. You are not alone and the technical term is 70/30 Where 70% of your models are 30% finished. I think most suffer from this and the best cure is a 'git R done' attitude. Accept minor flaws and learn from each build knowing its improveing your set of skills along the way. One quote from FSM I need to hear now and then is:
'When model building is no longer fun take it one step back'
Too often we obssess over perfection and accuracy. Other than contest tables most of the viewers will never notice minute details that are not correct. Remember each build is something you will like to display and for friends and family to admire, not historians or rivet counting experts.
My enjoyment comes from scratchbuilding a few details and improvements that make each build unique. I could never replicate any build nor care to, if it looks cool and better than OOB then i'm happy