Detail that only God can see...
Hi all,
I've read a couple of reviews lately where the builder states that he or she shouldn't have spent all the time painting the interior of a plane becuase it can't be seen after the fuselage is closed up.
Similarly, I've seen a bunch of armor models in FSM with beautiful interiors that, again, can barely be seen when the model is finished.
Lastly, I'm going to order two PE sets for some WWI planes I'll be building and, once more, a lot of the detail won't be visible when the planes are done.
So, how do you folks feel about all that non-visible detail? On the one hand, working on the extra details can help make the model feel much more accurate -- like a true miniature replica rather than a model. On the other hand, if nobody (except me) is ever going to see those details, then why increase the building time?