Ok this isn't about the kits that failed, that wouldn't go together, that ended in the round file.
This is about the kits that succeeded, and yet at the end, you swore, never again would you build something like that, even if you paid me.
Citadel models, the ones used for Warhammer table top wargaming.
I once assembled a tank looking thing for a chap that realized I was a lot better at making tanks than he would ever be. He offered me 40 bucks to put it together and I thought sure why not, these things look simple.
Not sure what it is with that company, but they sell the most over priced worthless garbage a model maker can ever be cursed with encountering. And after reading some of the critiques of some of the kits I have looked at in recent time, well let's just say Citadel sure never wants to ask any of US to do a review.
It was horrible. The parts had 5 kits worth of flash, the part fit was dreadful even measured against the 70s. The molds had been worked harder than a Chinese WoW gold farmer. I was paid 40 bucks for a short afternoons work and I told the chap, thanks, but forget getting anything else made.
So what is in your past, that maybe I shouldn't be asking you to remember :)