Boy the newbie is asking all kinds of questions lately.
I haven't found much info regarding this in past threads, probably because its such a subjective question. Could someone give me a general ball park list of kit manufacturers ordered by quality of their products? I am working on my first kit since childhood and having a good but somewhat tedious time getting things to fit acceptably. Obviously thats part of the hobby. However, one thing I was considering was making my next model one that was going to go together a bunch easier without having to fidget with it so much.
I realized that I didn't know how to go about finding a kit on the upper end of mold/fit quality as I dont really know anything about the manufacturers and what they are known for. Hence the question. So, if I wanted to get a model that is lower on the frustration and higher on the quality scales, to what manufacturers would I be looking next time I am at my LHS?