I can't think in metric fluids... 1/4 oz and 1/2 oz., bottles, I can... IIRC, I could, back in the day, brush-easly paint the top-side of the Monogram 1/48 B-17G with about half-to 2/3rds of a 1/4oz. bottle of Testor's Olive Drab, after shooting it overall with a coat of grey primer (which also made up the underside Neutral Grey fifnish)..
Since I couldn't then (or now) brush-paint Tamiya in one coat, I never tried to figure out it's coverage... Guess that's why I just never really cared if Tamiya acrylic paints were around or not, since Testor's and (later) Model Master enamels (and if you're old enough to remeber them at .19 cents a 1/4 oz. bottle, Practa 'Namel Military Flats) did SO much better for so much less per bottle...