Just cleaned off the work station
Posted by gonavycv64
on Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:44 PM
Found out cleaning off my desk is not always a good thing. Rediscovered 7 models I had forgotten that I had started. Yes my desk is that messy but also 6 of those models are 1/2000 size so are pretty small. They're WWII era ships like the Hood, Enterprise, Tirpitz made by EICA? My other model was the USS Cole. I took a break from the Cole and wanted to put the other models together and have them fully ready to go and then paint them. Well while I was waiting to for them to dry, I started another project and finished it. Now by that point I had those models good and buried at the back of my desk and went onto a couple more projects. I'm working on the Munsters living room and after that I'm doing a group build that I'm about 3 weeks behind on. At least I know what I'll be doing after these other 2 projects are done but has anybody else just forgot about so many models like I did?