My father-in-law died on Valentines Day, and the year has been spent helping my wife settle his estate and fend off her brother.
I only had a little time on the bench, so I made it count.
1/350 Zvezda Borodino
1/350 Trumpeter Hornet
1/72 Hawk, Goshawk and Boeing navy fighter for Von Hammer's Monogram Mafia
1/24 Monogram "Rommels Rod" for same
1/144 Revell Germany DO-X for a Regia GB on another forum
1/72 Special Hobby FMA IA 58 Pucara for the Falklands/ Malvinas GB
1/350 Revell Germany SMS Dresden for the (WW1) GB
1/350 Bronco Ting Yuen for the Castles of Steel GB