In re-entering scale modeling after about a 45 year break, one of the things I love and wish I had had access to as a kid is the wonderful pre-cut canopy masks (Eduard, etc.). The problem for me now is I've become somewhat addicted to them. I bought a few discontinued kits at a kit collector's swap meet yesterday and one, an Academy 1/72 KC-97L tanker, includes a plethora of little window panes. Hand masking look's like it would burn up several long evenings. Disappointingly, the Eduards mask (XC080) is nowhere to be found available for sale on the web (including ebay).
I ran across a Canadian site, E-Z Masks, and was wondering if anyone has ordered/ used one of their masks? They are quite reasonable price-wise ($4) but don't accept credit cards/ PayPal and would require a trip to the bank for an international money order. Let me know if anyone's had any experiences, good or otherwise, with E-Z masks. I also found references to a "Black Magic" mask set from Cutting Edge but they also don't appear to be available anymore.
John B