I'm working on lighting several models on my bench, and I have a consistent problem with running my fiber optic cable. I'm using standard fiber optic cable (purchased from a couple of different sources, but usually TheFiberOpticStore.com), and I run my fiber through the holes, leaving plenty of excess on the exterior of the model to be snipped after painting and lots of slack inside so I can route it to the light source without any significant pressure or sharp bends in the fiber. I also take the recommended step of securing the fiber with a drop of CA.
The problem I have, though, is the CA seems to be degrading or eating through the fiber. If I put even the least pressure on the glue point, the fiber snaps with a clean break that looks almost polished. This is getting frustrating because I can't do just straight runs of fiber - there've got to be some bends here and there.
This is happening with all diameters of my fiber, from 1mm down to .25mm. I'm using Extreme Power brand CA, though I've also had the problem with Zap-A-Gap.
Is anyone else having this problem, and does anyone have a solution?