I priced some modeling tools I thought where very handy and got sticker shock. flexi-files ? 10 bucks ? I can make my own TYVM. out of .02 styreen sheet, ( I already had this for a scratch build ) thin double stick foam tape, and any kind of bulk sandpaper I want. You can also make PE pick-up tools with tooth picks and the same foam tape.....saved another 10 bucks and I can make hundreds of them.
Finger nail emory boards are ok for rough sanding (20 for a buck at the dollar store) but I prefer making my own using tongue depressors ( they're very thin ) spray glue, and again, any kind of sandpaper I want. I always ask the nurse for some tongue depressors everytime I have a Dr. appointment, so they're free.
I priced airbrushes at the same store...HOLY COW ! I got mine at Harbor Freight for $21.00 and it works just fine for modeling and it's double action. I don't see me doing finger nails anytime soon . I did hafta install a oil and water filter ( I got this at HF too for $11.00) on my 8 gallon air compressor. and I can spray half a day before the compressor kicks on.
Needle files, 3.99 for a set of 12 and micro drill bits 2.99 at you guessed it, Harbor Freight.