as an additional tip that I just read yesterday, and I will be changing my wash routine to match the new tip
I was about to post that rinsing after the wash is just as important as the washing itself, to keep from leaving any soap areas on your model, making things worse for your painting than any residue would have been in the first place
I always (for decades now) washed with fairly hot water, hotter than just warm, but, not uncomfortably hot.
Then I rinsed with the same hot water.
I just read a Testors rep in an old forum post on a model railroad site say that we need to rinse in COLD water, and then explain why.
It shortens down to Cold water will chase the soapy water mixture off of the model, but, Warm or Hot water will mix in with washing mixture, diluting it, but not displacing it.
Since the science behind his post is sound, I will rinse with Cold water from now on, and avoid the occasional water spots that I had seen from warm water rinsing.
If we are impatient during the drying process using cold water, we can use Don's paint drying box idea, or a Hair Dryer set on a low setting. Or my own lazy method,,,,,wash and rinse a day or two before I know I am ready to start building it.