AHA ! Don;
Now you have hit on something ! I have seen many model work areas in my life and have pondered this. How can that person even tell whether they are using the right colors or not, with bad lighting ? There are many factors that go into a great build. The most important ,is of course a workplace.
Do you really want to try the " Mirror Image " thing With a badly lit small , crowded workplace ? Why of course the answer to that would be no .Good lighting is actually more important than workspace size .
I had to do ships that were sisters, one time in 1/48 scale. Because of an accident ,I was working on a clip on table, in a wheelchair.( don't fall down stairs carrying models! ). With my trusty OTT lite I was able to actually do the " Mirror Image " Thing !
Let me explain the " Mirror Image " thing . You take the plans and crease them hard. Lay them on the table against a mirror. Take some tape and fasten everything down ( use drafting tape). Now using a clean piece of drafting vellum, create the other side by copying very carefully what's in the mirror.
This is a simplification. Everything I've said will become clearer when you've tried this. Oh, Make sure the mirror is exactly vertical ! T.B. P.S. Don, I've corrected many prints this way.