Surface prep is what separates the killer finishes from the meh finishes, but using thinner to do it isn't a good idea. Enamel thinner will not harm the plastic but lacquer thinner will for sure. Acrylic thinner is going to be completely useless.
If you're using sturdy paint it really isn't necessary from a durability standpoint. But try not doing surface prep and then mask over some Model Master Acryl. You'll have a bad day I promise.
Washing sprues before building is the dumbest thing I think I ever hear of modelers doing too. I see no point because ultimately through the coarse of the build you're just adding back skin oils, sanding dust, and who knows what else to the surface.
I use 90% alcohol and gently wipe down the plastic parts before painting. When the main assembly is ready for paint I brush the sanding residue out of panel lines, use a tack cloth for any dust etc, and then wipe the model with alcohol. I takes seconds and improves the surface to take paint like you wouldn't believe.