"Scaleworld of the Past"? or just go ahead and call it "Marmo's Scaleworld" or "Scaleworld Musings",,,,,,I like that last one, I think.
I think a small collection of 5 or 6 articles in each volume would be worth the effort. Let them skip all over the place in each set, sort of like magazines always have. Or deliberately try to include a prop plane, a jet, a ship, an afv, etc, in each issue.
They could be presented as an ebook or emag without adds.
I think that any attempt at getting info out to the modelers is worth the effort, especially in a medium such as an ebook or a blog,,,,,,,,look at how much Tommy has been able to put out there for Navair fans tailspintopics.blogspot.com and http://thanlont.blogspot.com/ Even if you only have a few readers, as long as you aren't spending a fortune to print paper with photo reproduction costs, that means you will have spread the info out to *someone*
I have copyright issues to worry about, so I am working at it from another angle,,,,,,as long as a reader trusts me not to make things up, I am going to present different bits of info in model form,,,,,,such as an outline of Phantom weapons pylons presented as the different pylon variants tacked onto a Phantom Mule model, just to show the differences,,,,or a Skyhawk with a bunch of different weapons hanging from the pylons to show just what a Mk 94 Chem looks like compared to a Mk 82 bomb
my only expense will be the costs of operating a camera, lol,,,,,,,so basically it is only my time invested
your stuff is already written or already gathered, so presenting it might be almost considered to be free advertising,,,,,,the next "physical print" project you present might be recognized as "oh, that is by that Marmo guy, I have his Swordfish emag"
hmmm, more rambling thoughts for you to consider, it seems