Squadron has always been like that. When I was stationed in Texas in the early 90s, I ordered one of the Squadron Signal "in action" and the last two digits of the book I ordered were transposed so I received the wrong one (their error, not mine). They told me to keep the wrong one and sent the right one.
At the beginning of the 2000s, I got a Roden JS-3 Stalin kit. Some of the road wheels were not fully molded so I filled out the green MMD post cards included inside the kit. I received a new road wheel sprue in the mail.
There have been others, but those are the two that jump to my mind.
The flyer was originally 50ยข an issue or $5 for the annual catalog which included an entire year of the flyer. The flyer was often included when you placed an order. After the annual catalog was discontinued, the flyers were free. They just tried restarting the subscription service for the flyer. I did not resubscribe since the internet is a more efficient way to search for better deals.