sorry, but, "you get what you pay for" is exactly the phrase that fits here
If you pay the lowest price for something, you don't end up "deserving" anything better than what that lowest price vendor puts into their product
I buy cheap kits too, sometimes. I just know going in that I am not going to get a Tamiya Skyray model in the box when I buy the Testors/Hawk Skyray at rock bottom prices.
A person is only "ripped off" when they pay hi quality prices and get low quality kits. Paying the lowest price for any product that has variable price and quality doesn't entitle anyone to automatically get the best in packaging and presentation. People choosing to buy really low quality kits and having to pay extra for high quality packaging would be the ones getting ripped off, because they would essentially be paying for gold wrapping on a low quality kit. Then when he gets through all the "gold leaf" packaging and finds that he paid for a Cadillac and only got a Del Ray,,,,,,,he would be even more upset.
Disagree all you choose, but, there is a reason that a Lincoln costs more than a Ford. I am a long time Ford and Mercury driver, so I know that I am not going to get Lincoln quality for Ford/Edsel prices.
Before this gets turned into "Rex is some kind of elitist" crap,,,,,,I have Starfix kits, IMC kits, Matchbox kits, Revell kits, and first generation Airfix kits here, not just Fujimi and Hasegawa.
So, "you get what you pay for" works both ways,,,,,,if you don't pay a lot, you don't get a lot, and you don't expect a lot, because you knew the price going in. The other side of that is that if you pay a lot, you should get a lot,,,and then you would have a complaint if you didn't get what you paid extra for. But, if you don't pay for Steak,,,,you don't get to whine when you only get hot dogs. That is Economics 101 stuff.
added: And if you had someone listen and you got your way, and they took their $10 kit and packaged it up all nice and great,,,,,and had to raise the price to $15 retail to pay for that,,,,,,,you would have helped price that kit out of the reach of the people that "don't have any choice but to buy the cheap kits",,,,,which really wouldn't help them all that much, now would it?