Thanks for the good advice. Last night I did a little sanding/polishing using the 12000 Micro Mesh pads on only the worse areas where I could see a bit of dust/dirt. It did mare the surface just a bit, so afterwards I sprayed the entire model again with a few light coats of Testers Lacquer Gloss out of spray can (just purchased earlier that day). That stuff worked much better than the Testor Gloss Coat Enamel I sprayed the night before and dries much faster. But prior to spraying I did do a bit of cleaning around my paint booth; including turning on the fan about 10 mins early and putting down wet newspaper around the surface where the plane was to sit. Wow, what a difference that made. I barely got any debris in the finish this time and the new coat of lacquer covered those areas I polished with no signs of scouring. Now I am wondering if I shouldn't just polish the whole thing down to remove the rather pebbly orange peel finish that probably started from my first coats of primer thru that bad acrylic gloss coat. However, that could be a mute point since the gloss coat likely makes the finish below it really jump out at you when the light hits it a certain way. I am hoping this goes away when adding a flat/dull finish at the end.
Some other things I believe I have learned from this experience.
1) I probably should have sanded the primer some before applying my base colors. It was rather rough/pebbly in some places to begin with.
2) Yes, looking back on how I applied the MM Acrylic Gloss thru the airbrush, I think I sprayed it at too high a pressure and from too far away. I think that caused it to dry prior to hitting the surface and made the coating a little rough. That would explain why some of it would rub off just by handling the model, which has now created a rougher finish to the model. Next time I may try the Tamiya Clear Coat (X-22) and just spray it at a low pressure close to the model like I did the base Tamiya colors. I was pretty happy with those base paints and feel I can duplicate that technique with their clear coat product.
So now what to do.... Well my next step is to get these decals on. If the surface is glossy enough (even with the pebbly/orange peel underneath) to take the decals without silvering then I will call that a win.
So if this model will be eventually sealed in a flat/dullcote finish, will this really be an issue? Before I spend a bunch of time weathering the model (oil washes etc.) I am going to add the decals to just one horizontal stabilizer and spray it with the dullcote. That will be a great comparison to see how the model will look when finished while comparing it to how it is now. I am also concerned with my final lacquer based clear coat and putting an enamel based wash on it. I always thought that a fully cured laquer clear coat (not the base paints) should take some degree of abuse from the compatible thinners; but viewing info on other forums it seems most recommend an acrylic based clear coat prior to weathering with enamels. Any thoughts on that? I will report back the results!