I remember my Father would never watch the footage of that or practically any other battle. When he would accidently catch a scene on the T.V. he would usually say "That was one of ours" or something like that, if he said anything at all.
I could be watching Victory at Sea in the living room and he might watch an occasional scene of the British fleet plowing through a storm or something like that but most of th time he would stay out of the room altogether. He wouldn't even watch "Hogan's Heros". Most of the time he would go to the basement to work on something or my parents would tell me to stay inside and then go out somewhere.
Years later I started to hear some vague stories of what he did and it wasn't until just before he died that he told me a lot of what he was involved in until he came home.
It took some time before I started to understand some of the things that went on and how he must have felt. After I got drafted, joined the Air Force, did two tours during Vietnam, I see things better.