I think there's a disconnect between the manufacturers and the public ! Why ? Well look at the 1/25 Ford Raptor . A snap Kit ! Yeah , But , what detail inside , and proportions to die for ! Skill level 2 ?
This should be a clue . Now then , there's others . Pre- painted snap Planes , Armor and Ships . Why ? They seem to think that many want a snap model of a carrier . I won't consider a ship Unless it's 1/350 or above .
Why ? Accuracy issues . The old Box Scale Revell ships had this . Look at the Tamiya version of the Missouri in larger size .The 1/350 series of later Iowas show this real well . The large Revell kit is clunky and very much NOT the beautiful flowing lines of this class .
Snappers are a good basis though . Some are very , very nice representations of their subject . I think this applies mostly to cars though . Even in armor they leave much to be desired .Skill Level . Well , don't you mean courage level ? How many are ready for even the Machinen Kreiger models ?
I think The term Skill level scares many Parents away .They seem to think their offspring are stupid , sadly . These kids would surprise you . I have a NON-Model-Building neighbor that Bought some Machinen Kreiger kits for his three Boys and one Girl .
Can you say Surprise , Surprise , Surprise ! Wow , what finished models . None had modeled anything before either ! Skill level for them , didn't even enter the equation !