Jay, are you going to build the airplane as Island Airways? A woman I worked with back in the '80s, grew up on an island in Lake Erie. That Ford was her school bus! When the airplane was taken out of regular service, the owner brought it here to Florida. I had the opportunity to fly on the airplane a few times. I think the airplane also appeared in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." I've been thinking about building the same kit as Byrd's Antarctic Ford.
Anyway, maybe try liquid cement like Testors or Tamiya to glue the wings together. Then a thin sanding needle to smooth the seam on the leading edge, between the corrugations. As for your clear parts, clean them with alcohol, let the alcohol dry then dip the clear parts in clear Pledge. The clear parts will be very shiny and clear. To attach the clear parts to the inside of the fuselage, use white glue or Formula 500 canopy glue. Make sure the white glue is cured before you glue the fuselage halves together. Before you paint, you can mask the windows with tape like Tamiya's masking tape.
I hope this helps you some...