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What happens at club meetings??

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  • Member since
    June 2003
What happens at club meetings??
Posted by M1abramsRules on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:49 PM
ok, excuse my ignorance, but what happens at the meeting of a model club??? I think I kinda now, but I want to know for sure.
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Rowland Heights, California
Posted by Duke Maddog on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 4:15 PM
I can give you a rough idea of what goeson at my club's meetings.

My club is IPMS Orange County, and we meet in Buena Park, California in Orange County (hence the name!) To start with, we have seminars before the meeting showing techniques that help improve our skills. I'm doing the seminar this month.

During the meeting, we have a session where our club President goes over local events that may be of interest to the membership. Then there is a general question and answer session, followed by the "Show and Tell". The "Show and Tell" gives anyone the chance to bring in and show off current progress on a kit they're building, new kits and products coming out, or new books and other reference material. Then the Contest Director gives out the awards won at the previous meeting(s) This is generally followed by the judging of the models brought in for the contest. Everyone is a judge. Then afterwards, if we have one, our guest speaker then takes the floor for his presentation. I've heard from the youngest girl to have over 30,000 flight hours in both fixed-wing and rotary-winged aircraft, from three Tuskeegee Airmen, from three Pearl Harbor survivors, two WWII bomber pilots, one former employee/model designer who worked for 25 years at Revell, and a naval XO of an Aircraft Carrier on Yankee Station during Vietnam. If we don't have a guest speaker, then one of the members brings in videos of various subjects of interest to the members, or we have one of the following preplanned activities of the month.

After this, the winners are announced for the above-mentioned contest. Awards are given out at the following meeting.

In one month usually, April or May, we have five seminars on techniques put on at once by five Master Modelers in the club. At the end of each seminar, everyone then goes to the next seminar they want to see, and they start over. There is enough time to see all of them if a person wants to.

Every June and December we have the "Distressed Kit Auction". This enables everyone to donate those kits that they know they won't build or finish, or that is missing parts. The rest of the membership then bids on them. All proceeds go to the Club Treasury for use in putting on Orangecon and other club expenses. Some of the kits I've shown here in these forums were purchased at this auction. In particular, the Piper Aztec and Piper Cherokee I built were acquired at one of these Auctions. They are a real blast as well as our second-biggest source of income!

One of the most recent additions to our agenda is the Model Car Expo we have in our July meeting. We encourage all car modelers who aren't a member to come that night and bring in their car kits for the contest. We also vote several months ahead of time on the "Official Car Model" of the event, and that is the car kit that the non-car-building membership is encouraged to build for the contest. (That reminds me, I gotta go get mine!)

In October is Orangecon, so in August and September, we are preparing for it with news, going over the judging, and encouraging the members to get Trophy packs and sponsorships sold so we can award the winners with some great trophies and plaques. For those that don't know, Orangecon is the IPMS Regional Contest for the Southwest United States. We have people coming from as far as Texas and Washington State to compete in this event that our club sponsors and puts on every year. Generally we get more than a thousand entries every year. Two years ago, Orangecon was the IPMS Nationals. We had over three thousand models on the tables for that contest, if I remember correctly.

November is our club's elections for the coming year, and in December, along with the "Distressed Kit Auction", we have a Christmas party and Toy Drive as well. We all bring in new toys to the meeting, which are later donated to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign.


For more details, go see our site:

or Email me with any other questions you may have about IPMS Orange County if you want.

I hope that this answers your question in part.

  • Member since
    June 2003
Posted by M1abramsRules on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 5:19 PM
ok, thanks Duke. I am thiking of joining the model club in our area and am probably going to go to a meeting tonight and see what its like, so I just wanted to know what it might consist of.
  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Exit 7a NJ Turnpike
Posted by RAF120 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 5:25 PM
Now for the other end of the spectrum.
On the first Friday of each month we hold a meeting of the Central Jersey Plastic Modeler club. We go to one of the members house who has a large room in his garage it has heat and AC. On average about nine of us show up and we try to bring a model that we have built or that we're working on, and for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours we sit around eatting doughnuts and talking about the kits we brought or want to build, newly released kits, current events, the weather, what's on tv tonight, you get the point. At some point we hold a raffle and that money is used to buy next weeks raffle kit. Every once in a while some will bring in a slide show of a trip to a museum or their collection of aircraft photos. We try to get together every now and then and go to a show or something.
We have a newsletter every month to let the members that don't show up know whats going on.
I love every minute of it.
Trevor Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:08 PM
Club doings are what the members make them, really.

Our club meetings generally consist of the following:

Short BS session from 6:45 'til 7PM

'Business meeting' from 7PM til... it's done.

We have an E-Board which meets separately to discuss and plan any and all club events, so we usually try to keep the business to a minimum at the general membership meetings. More often than not these days, it's no more than half an hour.

If any member wants to know the ins and outs of what it takes to run an organized and successful club and its associated events throughout the year, there's an open invitation to attend the E-Board meetings. But, otherwise, we see no need to bore those at the general membership meetings who couldn't shive a git about the necessary business aspects of the club.

When we have an event coming up, like our annual show or our mall show or whatever, we sometimes extend the business meeting a bit and hammer out all the last minute details. But this usually doesn't add to awful much time on to the meetings; we have a great buncha guys in this club and on the E-board and the planning and task assignments are taken care of as early as is possible and/or practical.

After the 'Biz', we generally do what most would call 'show and tell' where anyone who brought in a model or any other item(s) of interest talks about it if they wish to do so.

From month to month we rotate one or more of the following:

The 'Round the Room Question' which is usually modeling-related. We go around the room and everyone shares their answer and any additional thoughts. We alternate between topical, humorus and informative queries. Although we try to keep it to a 'yes or no' kind of answer. With 45-60+ folks this type of thing can take awhile!

Our 'Round Tables' are basically discussion groups. To put it simply, the aircraft guys get together and talk aircraft, armor guys armor, cars cars etc...

We often times have demos where someone who has a unique or just plain useful technique shares their 'wisdom'. This is one of the most prevalant activities at our meetings.

Every now and again, we also designate certain meetings as having a special theme. Sometimes it's a 'Reference' meeting where folks bring in new books or stuff that they've recently acquired etc. Even though there's usually several fellas who hawk their wares every month, we have designated 'Flea Market' meetings. We also have 'Build-n-Bulls' where everyone brings something to work on.

Another thing we do fairly often is the 'Show Your Latest' deal. This is where the fellas bring in their latest acquisitions, whether it be kits, accessories etc. We also have meetings where the guys bring in their most unusual modeling tool, worst kit they ever bought etc. We've come up with alotta different things.

A couple months ago we had what we call a 'Blind Build'. There's teams of two: one blinfolded and one not. The blindfolded bloke has to build a model with the non-blindfolded bloke acting as the 'coach'. Then, half-way through, they switch positions. BTW, the building is done with superglue. heheh...

More often than not though, the second half of our meetings are a free-for-all. If someone wants to watch a demo, they watch it. If they wanna choot the chit with some fellas over in the corner, they do that. Our meetings usually turn onto a big BS session, no matter what the 'planned' activities are.

We also have other club doings throughout the year; our faves being the day-long 'Build-n-Bull' and our road trips. The road trips come in many varieties. Sometimes we hit a museum or two. Sometimes we hit all the hobby shops in our area or within decent driving distance.

One of our staples is the trip to Toronto where we have 5 possible stops: Keiths Hobby Shop, Northstar Hobbies, Zet-Burger for lunch (This one is NOT optional! Cheeseburger, cheeseburger! chip, no fries...), Aviation World (right across the street from Toronto IAP) and, on our return trip, we usually hit Niagara Central Hobbies in St. Catherines. Our sixth stop of the day is Ace Hobby in the Falls, after we come back to our side of the border.

By far our most popular road trips are those to shows. We sometimes travel in groups of 20 or more, but it's usually more like 6-10 caravaners. The trip and the antics which go on are often times more fun than the shows themselves...

There's a helluvalot more we do as a club and as niches within the club, but I'm kinda sick of typing. So, in conclusion, I shall finish by ending...

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:17 AM
Let's see: 7PM to 8PM Loud bull session,
8PM to 8:15 Announcements during a bull session
8:15 to 8:30 Demonstration on a technique
8:35 Raffle draw
8:45 to 9PM Final bull session
9:30 to ??? Go online with real modelers!Approve [^]
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Massachusetts
Posted by ajlafleche on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:57 AM
We meet from 7:00 until as late as 10:00 pm. 7:30 I bring the meeting to order and review news I've gotten as chapter contact for IPMS, ask for news from the group about contests or other events they went to, news up upcoing events of interest, etc. That brings us to about 8:00. If there's a presentation, that's next. Could be a slide show, technique, guest or whatever. This is followed by a formal show and tell, wherein works in progress or recently completed models are presented by the builders. The rest of the evening is socialization. We have also recently introduced build nights, where guys can bring in projects ot work on and share techniques, up close and personal. Our memebership is about 50 and 25-30 show up each month, with a few members never missing, a few never showing and the majority being there most of the time.
We have two shows a year, so the October and March meetings are focussed on those.

Normally, May is a Pizza party at a local pizzaria and in December we get together at an upstairs room at a watering hole for a Christmas party/grab bag gift exchange.

Remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted by zokissima on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 9:28 AM
Hmm, sounds like a lot of fun. I think I'd like to join one. More importantly, I'd LOVE to find someone who's into modelling as well, and would like to build models together.
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Massachusetts
Posted by ajlafleche on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 9:52 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zokissima

Hmm, sounds like a lot of fun. I think I'd like to join one. More importantly, I'd LOVE to find someone who's into modelling as well, and would like to build models together.

Here's a link to IPMS Toronto. Should be just what you're looking for.Smile [:)]

Remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.


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