I find alternative history to be an exercise in "what if", and "what if" is really "what wasn't".
As a reader of history, it has no interest to me.
Take Luft 46. Losers.
Anyhow, the real world has so much more to offer in terms of "what could be".
USS Hilary Clinton. I have no issue with that except she was never a President, Congress person who steared $B to her district, or a battlefield, or Secretary of Defence.
Abhorrent would not occur to me. USS DJT would. So far two Navy Secretaries and one CVN commander notched. One convicted SEAL war criminal pardoned over the objection of the service. Oh, and the McCain thing.
There's been a lot of thought put into what constitutes an exploration of alternative history. One serious test is plausibility. If something does not pass that test, it's as real as Mickey Mouse vs. Road Runner as far as points of fact that can get rearranged.
US and Germany vs. USSR?
Our Germans were better than their Germans. And Erich Hartmann. Von Braun.
Read the March of Follies. Or do a search for any other topic including Folly and War.
A lot of ripe topics. Alexander doesn't get sick in India. Hitler gets killed in WW1. But there's always a germ of fact.