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Greetings All, short note to ask are there any aftermarket conversions for Hobby Boss 1/32 B-24 Liberator to make into a PB4Y Privateer with the single vertical stabilizer and blisters on the sides of fuselage? also anyone who makes different turrets for other modles of the Liberator all in 1/32 scale. Thanks for your help, cheers.
I would post the question in the aircraft forum.
missileman2000 I would post the question in the aircraft forum.
The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.
I would highly suggest checking out this site, Scalemates, for any similar type questions. It is probably the best one stop database on the web today.
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton
Scalemates looks glum on this. "Privateer" aftermarket stuff is where to search there-a lot of the usual stuff like tires, props, decals and engines but nothing in that scale.
Look at the 3D sources like Shapeways and Model Monkey.
Modeling is an excuse to buy books.
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