In Response: Greg Galand's - Using SUPERGLUE-Jan/Feb-2023 issue.
Hi, Ya'll:
This is in response to Greg Galand's article in Jan/Feb/2023, F.S.M., about C.A.Glues. It is a well written and researched article and I really enjoyed it. BUT, I must dispute one thing he says. I NEVER,EVER, put P.E.Rails of any scale on ships with C.A. Why? Well, it does work! BUT, don't accidentally brush against them while working around on another detail. They will break off, and especially after using Accelerator of any kind. C.A. Has absolutely no Lateral strength in that type of situation!
In the many years I have built models for myself and clients I learned about this drawback to C.A. Glues. When You use Accelerator in any app. regarding rails and ladders you take the chance of knocking them off easier. WHY? The accelerator makes the C.A. brittle in such small areas. The edge of a rail does not have enough surface area to support this. Instead I put a Bond of White glue(Aleens, Elmers, Gorilla, et al. For this purpose) Again WHY? The White glue remains flexible for a while even after it appears it is hard dried. This allows the parts to flex a little while staying on the model. Also remember this.It does NOT soak through to the plastic below, once you've painted something. It sticks to the paint layers!
The other and most important thing is to pickle the lower edge of any part going against Plastic(Unpainted) or another brass part. Why? It slightly etches the brass and stainless to allow a better bond for C.A., White Glue or Solder, if it is brass pieces that need to come together, like the Wheelhouse on Encore Model's U.S.S. Olympia once offered by Squadron. If you don't want to use Vinegar or Grandma's Pickle juice You can get a solution for this at stores that cater to Stained Glass hobbyists, or any hobbyist that does brass soldering on a regular basis!
One final note. The Article was well written, sensible, and espoused the different types so the Neophyte can know, and Be a reminder for others that this stuff is great, but can be dangerous. Ask Me. I'll tell you about the time I had a splatter that bounced between my glasses and my eyelid requiring a visit to you know where! I still have damage there from the effort. Use The type of Goggles he shows and remember. You can go to a sporting goods store to get this type. and hardware stores too. You can also get a pair at your Optometrist with your prescription ground into them!