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Tinting canopys (a second time)

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  • Member since
    October 2022
Tinting canopys (a second time)
Posted by ROKAF on Friday, November 3, 2023 6:13 PM

Ok i know i asked this question once but i need some more helpBig Smile So tinting canopies has been my long enemy, from the melting of my canopy and the cracking......)  Anyway after my desperate search, i found this

My canopy is a 1/72 f-35 canopy i plan to use Vallejo smoke some clear yellow paint mixed together. Do you think this would work? what about the dreaded brush marks? has anyone have any experience with Vallejo smoke?

  • Member since
    January 2007
  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 7:49 PM

I don't know if those specific colors mixed together would work but I think you could give it a try if you have recently bought something in a clear plastic wrap(box). Mix your colors as you planned and apply to the clear plastic and see how it works. If it doesn't work, you haven't lost anything except a little paint but gained a little knowledge. 

I usually keep a few of the clear plastic wraps when I buy AA and AAA batteries. Keep them under the bench for just that same purpose. It's just like keeping an old plane or car wreck for a paint mule to test on.

Hope that it works for you.

Stay safe.

Jim Captain

 Main WIP: 

   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

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