hmm I am guesstimating from 1000 to 2000. This is my first year back in the hobby since the early 90's... so had to get everything new:
3 airbrushes... 2 Badgers (and an Aztek that I gave away) = $150
about 40 bottles of MM and Tamiya at 2.25 average = $90
Royal Tenax and other brushes.. = $30
Thinners and such = $15
Lighting = $45
Compressor = $80 (w/tax)
Regulators and water trap = $60
Etc. (tape, tweezers, airbrush holder, sprue cutters etc..) = $200?
Dremel bits. assorted = $30
Magazines and books = $100
::drum roll::
Kits: = $638
PE/Resin/Decals = $60
Grand Total: = $1498
(I think, or it was 1458, I hit clear on the calculator too quick)
Actually probably higher... was just thinking about all the stuff I get here and there at Wal Mart and stuff like the nail sanding sticks, cuticle removers etc.. and some of the little things here and there I buy... still only about 1700 probably...
Finding out my wife doesn't care I spent this much... Priceless!
Actually this was kind of eye opening for me... sitting down and figuring it out.. I didn't realize I spent this much... I'll not gripe about all the karate stuff my wife pays for (tournaments and such) again... hers is still more expensive but I am beginning to rival her.. especially when I bring up I want a HP-CR for Xmas...