CA glue on the hands...yep, did that. Frosted the model by spraying a flat coat without adding gloss...done that too. Dropped the model breaking it into little bitty pieces....guilty as charged. The one that really frosted my hide was this:
I had spent days, I mean DAYS (spread out over several weeks) assembling AFV's T83E1 tracks for an M47 Patton. These things took forever to clean up, are fragile as heck and they were already pushing my patience to the limit. Finally got them assembled, painted and on the vehicle when I decided to apply an oil wash to further enhance them. I KNEW that the paint thinner might be too hot for the tiny, fragile pins holding all the links together, but like a complete moron I did it anyway. Within hours pins start to dissolve and the tracks start falling apart. Every time I tried to fix one, another would break. The boiling point had been reached and I very nearly commited hara-kiri as the model itself was practically done...all I had to do was finish the tracks and then add some dust. Fortunately the breaking stopped (??) and I managed to repair enough links to keep the tracks together, but a few links are still broken:
I should try to fix this as I don't know what's holding them together, but I'm afraid if I do they'll turn to dust!!
Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female
Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8