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Needing Instructions help!

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    November 2005
Needing Instructions help!
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 10:05 AM
Hi Everyone,

My name is Rob and i am a freelance designer living in London. I am posting this message to see if any of you modellers can help me out. I used to be a big model kit fan when i was younger and am now thinking of creating some designs using model kit instructions and was wondering if anyone could actually send me some by post (as i would need the originals). I am interested in anything really - planes, ships, cars, motorcycles, figures - just about anything! I am perfectly happy to send stamped addressed envelopes so theres no cost - and will be happy to post them back as well. I am really excited about my ideas and feel that modellers will really like the finished products! Just reply to this message telling me just some of the instructions/plans you could spare for a short while (the bigger the better). If anyone could help i would really appreciate it and i would also be happy to send some freebies out of the finished products as a thankyou for your help.

Kind Regards


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