So, there I am, sitting at my modeling area with some free time to work on my M1A1. Carefully cutting off the teeny-tiny Eduard photo etched stowage box handles. 1st one went on, no problem. 2nd one made the sound we all hate to hear.....clink!
Yep, the sound of the tweezer tips coming together, minus the part you were holding. [:0]
Needless to say, I was on my hands and knees. Scouring the floor for this minute part. No good, can't find it. Well, I say to myself, it's time to take a break. Then the phone rings, I reach my arm over to pick it up..... low and behold, there it is, caught on my sleeve
Lesson here is: Before crawling around on the floor, like a baby, do a full body search
Time to get back building!