I had an interesting discussion with my gf about this model last night. I showed it to her, and we read through the article quickly together. It became very obvious from the start that she was not very impressed. Oh, the model was great and superb, but she could not fathom the 4700 hours spent on it. After a little bit, I kind of came around to her opinions. I gotta say, 4700 does seem like fanatacism and obsession, rather than a hobby. Do you guys thing there are others out there that just carry this hobby "too far"?
Personally, I love the hobby, I will continue it forever, but I can't imagine sinking thousands of hours into a project, and can imagine it even less when eventually I have a wife and a child. I mean, that's a LOT of time NOT dedicated to ones family. Does this level of conduct eventually make one a social recluse? Or is it that we men are doomed to live a life of celibacy once children are in the picture, and need some other obsession to keep us sane? Even further from my understanding is that of fanatical accuracy, such as the one being discussed here, or the ever present armour guys discussing whether muzzle brakes should be blackened or not. Seems to me we make our own geeky image. Sorry, don't mean to make this into a rant or a thread jack, but 4700 hours....
On a similar note, I just recently found out that Shep Paine, one of the modelling world greats, is still a bachelor. I guess I just don't understand the dedication one must have to this to forgo other things in life, things that in and of their own right, have quite a few amusing qualities. I mean, when is hardcore just too hardcore.