How to make your Wife/Girlfriend/Significant Other Hate Modeling:
1) Spend every waking moment when you're not at work, or eating, at the
build table. Worse yet, eating
at the build table.
2) Insist on buying every tool and model known to mankind. Even if you already have one (or two, or three) in the "stash".
3) Lie about it.
4) Post about how clever you are at lying or at hiding additions to the
stash on a public online forum that is also your default homepage.
5) Walk around the house like a love sick puppy saying "I love you, I
love you" while holding your latest Hasemiyagramter kit that was just
delivered by Fedex using the "expedited" shipping option.
6) Say "we can't afford to (pick one) go to dinner/buy a new dress/re-decorate the kitchen" after being caught doing number 5!
That's pretty well it.
Note that my wife doesn't hate modeling as I don't do any of the above (well, maybe #5 a little), though she does come by and look at my stash and sigh sometimes. That's when I tell her "I love you" and take her for dinner even though we really can't afford it, seeing how I've just ordered (yet) another Hasemiyagramter kit online.
And I have to pay duty to boot!