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OT - For Maddafinga and the others...

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  • Member since
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  • From: Pominville, NY
OT - For Maddafinga and the others...
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Friday, August 15, 2003 5:55 AM
This is mainly for Madda, but for all of you who contacted me, my apologies for taking so long on this...

By the way, Madda, I've seen your stuff and I must say that you're advanced a bit further than I. Great stuff!

As regards the issue of selling and commission work, I started off by doing things for friends, then friends of friends etc. Entering a few competitions and gathering some awards for your efforts will also do wonders in gaining potential buyers. (The black cat was one of three pieces I entered in my first competition, winning best in section. (!) Had all sortsa inquiries after the show, but I put a bit too much time into it and couldn't part with that particular piece. All the stuff I still have is rather special in one way or another.)

I've never made a truly concerted effort to sell, it just kinda happens. The closest I came to making a real effort was securing a series of commissions for a local veterinary office. But I haven't done any illustrating like this for quite some time now, I've been doing mostly reproduction USAAF unit patches. The modeling has also put the art on a back burner...

Here are direct links to the images:

Doc's P-40 - This is a VERY early effort from high school. One of my first serious attempts and the first piece I did that I was actually somewhat satisfied with. (At the time!)

Mustang - I was really happy with this one at the time I did it, but have since come to dislike it some; I made several mistakes, some unforgiveable. But, as is usually the case, the artist is most critical of his own work...

F-16N - This one ain't perfect either, but I still like it.

Zero! - I drew the inspiration for this one from Keith Ferris' painting. This was the first time I tried doing an aircraft with Prismacolors. (There's also a bit of Floquil Model Railroad Paint in there!)

MiG-3 - This is one of my overall faves, and, in my opinion, the nicest aircraft piece I've done. It has some glitches, but everything just fell together with this one...

Plain-Jane '68 - I've got a love affair with the '68 Chevelle - Malibu. My Dad had one and it turned into a minor project car; awesome paintjob, rebuilt engine/tranny and who knows what else. I was too young to remember anything but the paintjob and the sound. OH what a sound!!! Someday I'll draw the actual car, and maybe model it too...

Suzanne - This is from high school and is the first portrait I ever did, and the first color piece of any kind that I ever did. Thought it was great at the time, now it just kinda sucks! Tongue [:P] There are things in this piece which I'm still quite proud of though, and that's the only reason I continue to show it.

Suzanne revisited - The drawing above started out as a b/w piece, but my teacher urged me to do it in color. I guess 'ole Mac had faith in me! Anyhoo, I always wanted to go back and draw this girl in b/w. Here 'tis...

Leblanc - This is a drawing of Ray LeBlanc from one of the Olympic Hockey Games from... '92? I forget; that's when I drew it, anyway.

Sheena - This is the only drawing I've ever done of one of my own cats, although several others look similar to some of my FFF's. This was Sheena, we found her in the bushes at a movie theater and she made an immediate impact upon her first trip into the house. Boxed the dog's ears, let our existing kitty know who was boss (she wasn't foolin' nobody!) and climbed right up the living room drapes. Later we began to build our collection and she got along with few of the new additions. From thereon in she was known as "The B**ch". LOL I miss this kitty...

The Mask - I love Birmans, have never had one and probably never will. This piece ain't perfect and I got lazy when finishing it off, but I like the overall look of the face.

Curiosity killed... - This kitten looks a bit like one of ours and maybe that's why I drew her. I'm especially happy with the eyes on this one. I tried to get that fuzzy look that all domestic longer-shorthairs have when they're kittens, but came up short...

The Eyes Have It - This is my favorite of everything I've ever done. I dunno why, it's just kinda striking. There's really little about this one that I don't like. It was also the big winner at my first competition.

Inprog - This is the last thing I started a couple years back. Have yet to finish it and may not do so, I kinda like the look of it...

Hope ya'll enjoy! I'm getting in the mood again...

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, August 15, 2003 6:20 AM
WOW! Great stuff, thanks for showing us. I like the P-40 best of all. Not exactly sure why, it just looks cool.

  • Member since
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  • From: USA, GA
Posted by erush on Friday, August 15, 2003 7:33 AM
Well I'm impressed all to pieces. I never got past the stick figures myself. Well, I did dabble a bit with ballon figures Tongue [:P] Big Smile [:D]

Really though, you've got quite a talent there Blackwolf. Thanks for sharing with us. I enjoy seeing skill put to good use!!

Hi, I'm Eric and I'm a Modelholic too. I think I have PE poisioning.     "Friendly fire...isn't"
  • Member since
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  • From: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posted by maddafinga on Friday, August 15, 2003 8:11 AM
Very good work man! There is a big big step that I see in people's artwork, and I don't even know if they're aware of it. They stop drawing lines and start using shadow, shading and texture to imply them instead. You crossed that line a long while back it looks like, several of those were excellent. I did a picture of a cat too you know, it's just a bigger cat, and more of a sketch than a real drawing. You're a lot better with color than me. I appreciate you coming around with this, I really love seeing peoples artwork, especially when it's good. Much thanks!

Madda Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle. -- Leonardo Da Vinci Tact is for those who lack the wit for sarcasm.--maddafinga
  • Member since
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  • From: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posted by maddafinga on Friday, August 15, 2003 6:33 PM
Just for the record, and by way of showing off, here's some of my work.

The pics are not near as good as I'd like them to be, I'll have to work on that later, improving the image quality. Several of them have been finished since I scanned them also, but I haven't gotten around to rescanning them just yet. Sometimes I'm lazy. I do really like your work Blackwolf, (I need to come up with some kinda nickname for you there, Blackwolf is too long to type) you've got real skills there. If you don't believe me, search google for pencil drawings and look at some of the crap that people are displaying and trying to sell. for every person at your level, there are 500 with half your skill, but think they're picasso. Keep drawing man.

Madda Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle. -- Leonardo Da Vinci Tact is for those who lack the wit for sarcasm.--maddafinga
  • Member since
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  • From: NE Georgia
Posted by Keyworth on Friday, August 15, 2003 7:01 PM
Blackwolf, Maddafinga, thanks for sharing your art. Great work, both of you. I envy you guys your gifts to a degree. Keep it up, both of you. Very nice stuiff indeed. - Ed
"There's no problem that can't be solved with a suitable application of high explosives"
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 17, 2003 5:48 PM
wow! both of you guys are amazing! i'm so envious of people who can draw. As a graphic designer, I can sketch well enough, but nothing like this calibre of work! Amazing, beautiful stuff both of you!
  • Member since
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Sunday, August 17, 2003 11:12 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by maddafinga

There is a big big step that I see in people's artwork, and I don't even know if they're aware of it. They stop drawing lines and start using shadow, shading and texture to imply them instead.

Yeah, that's one thing that I just kinda realized one day. (Long time back, in school I think) I still struggle with it. But as I said, I haven't drawn in such a long time, I dunno if I'd be better or worse these days! Tongue [:P]

Again, I really like your stuff too, especially the portrait of... is it a German soldier, with the hood? Could be mistaken on that, but I rather like that one for some reason. I also like Albert...

Anyhoo, your comment on good versus bad art; I'm one of those folks who doesn't like to put others down too much, but I'm continually surprised at the number of artists (speaking specifically of aviation artists) who put out marginally bad, or even really bad stuff and can sell it no prob, and at the 'going rates" to boot. Angry [:(!]

Needless to say, I've been trying to think of a way to get back into art and sell, I'm convinced that I can offer a good product to the avaition art community, (especially with encouragement from my friends who've been screaming at me for years!) but pencil drawings often times don't 'draw' (get it? draw? nevermind...) much in the way of $$$ or buyers.

To the rest who've commented, thanks! I, and I'm sure Madda as well, appreciate the kind words!

I may try to carve a new niche for myself combining my art, models and digital imaging. All I need is to get my hands on a recent version of Photoshop (or a similarly capable program) and I'd be in business. Someday...

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
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  • From: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posted by maddafinga on Sunday, August 17, 2003 11:44 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by blackwolfscd

QUOTE: Originally posted by maddafinga

There is a big big step that I see in people's artwork, and I don't even know if they're aware of it. They stop drawing lines and start using shadow, shading and texture to imply them instead.
especially the portrait of... is it a German soldier, with the hood? Could be mistaken on that, but I rather like that one for some reason. I also like Albert...

That kid was a very young Marine from the 1st Marine Division in Korea, Chosin reservior specifically. Hard to imagine a more miserable expression on a face. I hate the way the nose came out on that, the rest I'm pretty happy with.

I understand what you mean about marginally good artwork, but not wanting to speak badly of anyone. I'm often too hard on people I guess. It just generally irritates me to see someone of marginal skill who is sooo ate up with themselves that they believe they are great, in spite of all evidence. Now, sometimes this can be so outrageous as to be funny, e.g. the guy on ebay selling his pro built models that were unpainted and such. I am probably just too irritatable and rough on folks though maybe. Wink [;)]

Madda Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle. -- Leonardo Da Vinci Tact is for those who lack the wit for sarcasm.--maddafinga
  • Member since
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  • From: The flat lands of the Southeast
Posted by styrene on Monday, August 18, 2003 7:25 AM
What incredible artwork! The only thing I draw are gnats and flies.....

Gip Winecoff

1882: "God is dead"--F. Nietzsche

1900: "Nietzsche is dead"--God

  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 18, 2003 9:43 AM
Excellent artwork guys.
  • Member since
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  • From: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posted by maddafinga on Monday, August 18, 2003 1:12 PM
Much thanks for the kind words! I like feedback, even if it's "well I thought that one sucked, eyes are all wrong." Hopefully I'll get more positive than negative though Smile [:)]

Madda Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle. -- Leonardo Da Vinci Tact is for those who lack the wit for sarcasm.--maddafinga
  • Member since
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  • From: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posted by maddafinga on Friday, August 22, 2003 8:35 AM
Hey, Blackwolf, I just noticed that your Suzanne revisited pic is dated 98. Was that one done in high school? What year did you graduate?

Just curious really, you don't have to answer if you're embarassed about either your youth or lack thereof.

Madda Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle. -- Leonardo Da Vinci Tact is for those who lack the wit for sarcasm.--maddafinga
  • Member since
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Friday, August 22, 2003 8:39 AM
Hiya Madda,

Nope, that first one (color) was done in high school, Junior year I think. I graduated in '90. (creak...)

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
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  • From: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posted by maddafinga on Friday, August 22, 2003 8:19 PM
I graduated in 92, been feeling a bit old myself.

Madda Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle. -- Leonardo Da Vinci Tact is for those who lack the wit for sarcasm.--maddafinga
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Friday, August 22, 2003 8:27 PM
Well, Madda, you're only as old as you feel... wait I feel kinda old sometimes...

Okay, you're only as old as you act.

TAG! YOU'RE IT!!! Tongue [:P]

I'm such a kid...

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posted by maddafinga on Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:51 AM
Hmmm, that makes sense actually. I sometimes get told to act my age. If I act as old as I feel, what does that make me?

Madda Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle. -- Leonardo Da Vinci Tact is for those who lack the wit for sarcasm.--maddafinga

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