Well seeing as you said a little humour .....
Set the model gently down on the desk in front of you.
Stare at it for an hour with your hands holding your chin and your elbows on the desk. Note .. it is important during this phaze that you maintain eye contact at all times with the kit and not touch it.
Now comes choice time.
You can buy another kit just the same and use one for the parts that you break for spares.
You can throw your hands in the air and the kit in the bin and move on to the next project.
Or you can clean up this kit a little, not worry about a part rattling around inside (are you going to pick the kit up and shake the daylights out of it when you're done ?) and scratchbuild the little stick shifty thing. And use this kit as a bit or a learning experience.
Like U-96 has already stated .... put the landing gear on last ... I'll go one further and say put all the little fidgety bits on last.
Don't give up ... believe me when I say we all have days, weeks and sometimes months that go like this.
Happy Modelling and God Bless