Trying to take a picture of a huge model such as the Graf Zeppelin force me to come up with a plane to photograph outside a conventional set up that I had. Since the Zepp has no conventional landing gear and I don't have a moring station for in. It was decided to hang the model via fishline using the two lugs provided on top of the model.
Hanging the model in front of a background large enough meant using the extra wide roll of background paper I had on hand. Using some PVC Tees and sections of PVC pipe I rigged up this setup.
The arms across the top swing out which allowed the Zepp to be suspended mid screen. They also hold the lights if needed for different illumination configurations.
The whole setup fits into a corner and can be collasped to keep it out of the way while not in use. Best yet it is easily transported!
I can set various sized tables or bases in front of the screen to place just about any sized model on. What we do to have fun. Now I've been informed that we'll be doing some family pictures too.