Well, having a larger workspace probably won't improve your skill, but it'll definitely help alleviate the feeling of dread. Buying a Ferrari doesn't make you a better driver, right? But it can be a bit annoying to know that if you start working that things are going to be cramped and then you have to clean up and put everything away.
But I took a spare bedroom and turned it into somplace I can work. The room is only 10x8, not the largest room by any means. But I was able to get a big table in there, where I could work, put my paints and tools and even my phototent. Then I have my spray booth against the window so I can paint. I have an ikea detolf display cabinet to display my finished builds and a metal shelf system to keep my kits and materials. It's a little cramped in there, but I don't have to put everything away when I'm done. If I feel like stopping work, I can just put my tools down and leave.
I'm not telling you all this to brag or make you feel worse, I'm just saying that maybe something even as simple as a larger table would help alleviate the feeling of dread you get.
Have you considered one of those cheap folding card tables (the one's that fit 4 people for playing cards)? Itll fold up and fit in a closet when not in use, but give you plenty of room to spread out when working.
6' fiberglass folding table
Spray booth
Ikea shelf