Greg Kolasa, Wantage, New Jersey
Greg writes: “This TH-1L U.S. Navy training Huey was kitbashed from the 1/48 scale Monogram UH-1 Huey Hog (which is actually a UH-1C) with some details and changes made to replicate the L model. I added the hoist motor bulge atop the roof; it’s resin I cast in a mold I pulled from a wood master.” Additional details Greg added: strakes (from thin sheet styrene); tie-down rings and assorted fuel and battery drains (from thin wire) on the belly; opened the front of the skids with a motor tool; widened horizontal tailplanes (which were too narrow in chord) with sheet styrene at the trailing edges; roof windows tinted with Testors transparent green; intake warning stripes from a 1/72 scale A-7 Corsair II); and decal lettering from extras, among many other modifications.