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1-32 Matchbox Puma into a Gulf War Helo

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  • From: QLD Australia
1-32 Matchbox Puma into a Gulf War Helo
Posted by cairnsy01 on Saturday, August 21, 2010 8:52 AM

G'Day All,

I managed to pick up the big matchbox Puma at an expo today pretty cheap and was keen to build one of the RAF "Desert Pink" aircraft from Gulf War 1 (Op Granby to the Poms) and was curious.....

1) What exterior mods will be needed to build one of these Helo's? It looks like I will need to scratch the engine intake filter screen things and I'm sure there are a bunch of extra EW lumps and bumps, antennae etc

2) Do any decals exist for these I'm not concerned about a specific Airframe or squadron any "Pink" helo will do!

3) Did these aircraft carry door guns? if so were they M-60, MAG58 or Other. And in what config (1 gun,2 guns) ? and does any one make relevant weapons in 1-32 or will I have to dodgy it up with 1-35 stuff?

And finally has anyone got any good online reference pics of these aircraft?

Cheers All,


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