OK two quick notes, the CH-47 is not connected to the 174th in any way. The number on it (196 I think) is it's unit number.
The 174th never had the UH-1B model so be careful about the hog kits, I don't know if they are B or C model. the 174th brought the first ten UH-1C aircraft built to Viet Nam when they deployed. Those were aircraft converted from C models on the production line and there has been some discussion on wheather they were true C models or hybred B/C. From all I have found, they were built as true C models and there were no differences from later Cs.
One more thing, the picture of the line up on the dirt strip was taken at Khe Sanh during Lam San 719. If your not familiar with that operation, look it up. It was a wild time. I know I was there. The pictures with the "oil drums" are actaully "revetments". the drums, usually filled with sand, are there to protect the aircraft from mortar or rocket rounds. Since they explode on impact with the ground, the revetment can catch most of the shrapnel and protect the aircraft.
A diorama of the Khe Sanh scene would be great! The only things not dirt were an ASP runway, and the bunkers!