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Any reference to a 1/35 black hawk and pave hawk?

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Any reference to a 1/35 black hawk and pave hawk?
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, December 26, 2002 7:59 PM
im new at this so any of you guys doing or have the MRC black hawk or pave hawk? i need reference photos. its too bad that MRC they didnt include figures on the 2 helos it could have been great. any one know where can i get a hold of a 1/35 Dragon helo crew? thanks!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 27, 2002 12:17 AM
Don't have an answer about the crew, but have you seen these detail sets?

Also, are you looking for reference photos of the real stuff or of other models/kits?
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 27, 2002 4:06 AM
thanx for the site ill check it out! both photos for the real stuff and other kits. thanx man!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 27, 2002 11:17 AM of the real stuff. I love searching for stuff like this. Smile [:)]

Well, Google Image Search is always a good place to start, but you never know what you'll find or see. Wink [;)]

Here's a couple of sites you might want to look at for information/photos of the real stuff.

Sikorsky - Black Hawk - 60+ images
Black Hawk & Pave Hawk Information and pictures at the bottom of the page. - MH-60K/L Black Hawk (looks really good!)
MH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter Fact Sheet - 160th SOAR - Pictures
Combat - Fact Sheet & Images / Aircraft Museum - Fact Sheet, good list of variants.

S-70A BLACK HAWK MULTI-MISSION HELICOPTER, USA - export version of the Black Hawk

BTW, on the Sikorsky site is a recent press release about a Black Hawk reaching the 10K Hour Milestone. Quite impressive.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 28, 2002 10:47 AM
Squadron publishes 2 books;H-60 Blackhawk in action and UH-60 Blackhawk
walk around, also a Czech publisher produced a book, UH-60 Blackhawk in detail.
I got my copy from Colpar Hobbies in Denver, Colorado.


  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 30, 2002 10:39 PM
Other Black Hawk (and other Army helicopters) photos are at
Also see my reply under 1/35 scale helicopters.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 2:22 AM
For 1/35 scale helo crew, Dragon makes a Vietnam helo crew (kit #3311). With some modifications you'll have a modern helo crew. Last time I checked, Roll Models had the kit in stock.
  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: USA
Posted by DAVEY5 on Monday, March 17, 2003 12:09 AM
Great choice ...... great copper........ fun kit....... yes there is a crew and after
market add-ons. The cobra co. makes a 22pc kit . Seats ,overhead panel,doors
ect..... ( There is a magazine with a great article on the instal-
ltion of the kit. Military Modelling from England. You can probbaly buy old issuses
from their website.( . Vol.32 No.2 March 2002.
The crew is Pilot,co-pilot,door gunners and insertion team (Spec.Opps)
I can't find the name of the company right now, but it is a czech co. who's been
around for a while.They have yellow packaging, and letters like MCR orMAC
They make all kinds of 1/35 figures and plane engines.and some tanks and planes.
E-mail me your E-mail adress and I should have the right name by 3/17 or 18.
I hope you get this info. The company that makes the
1/35 figures specificly for the hawks is: CMK Ltd.of Czech Republic No web site listed. Here is their address.
Magistru 18,Praha 4,Czech Republic
Check in FineScale for a store or advertiser who carries their
line. They also make some 1/35 tanks and V.W s from WW 2
Dave H (DHI

To fly is great To hover is divine ...........
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 17, 2003 2:07 PM
If you look thru a copy of Finescale modeler, one of the gray ads that take up the entire bottom half makes note of a crew built specifically for the MRC Blackhawk. The company is something like CMX. Hobbytown told me it was a british company that he's never heard of. (Figure that one out). anyway, they have two variants; one has two pilots and two gunners, the other is similar. If you find someone who imports them, let me know.
  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Melbourne, Victoria
Any particular country you are after?As America ..
Posted by harvs73 on Monday, March 17, 2003 3:02 PM
is not the only ones to use the Blackhawk eg. Australia (looks a lot better than the US version)

Dave Harvey

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 27, 2003 7:54 AM
got the helo crew +door gunner from, Czech Master's Kits F35070, 3 resin figures and they're great. Also, think shanghai dragon re-released the 'nam series US helicopter crew cause i've already gotten two and I've seen more on hobbyshop shelves. Try getting also the detail parts from Eduard's 32071 & 32067 coz it looks bare without it.

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