For your terrain, you could go very simple and just use "play sand". Brush some Elmers on the base, pour on the, bang, boom...easy!
Personally, I'd lean more toward a brass "trophy" type plaque. They only cost a few bucks and can be done by any local trophy shop, or even through online ordering. I did a build for my bro, of his plane, while he was in Iraq. I did a mix of "ramp" and desert terrain, and added a wood block for his squadrons sticker. I did have the brass plaque made, but I screwed up the wording on it, so I didn't include it with the base.
Here's a couple pics...may inspire some ideas?!!!
Here's another one I did. This was my best buds chopper...he was the crew chief for this particular bird, in Iraq. He turned out to be at the same base my bro was at, at the same time!
Very simple base. Just a premade base from the local craft store (Michaels)...Elmers and some sand from out in the yard.