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CH-53E pics here

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    November 2005
CH-53E pics here
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 12, 2003 12:48 PM
I replied to someone's forum question earlier and I recieved a few e-mails asking for help with this particular aircraft. I figured there might be a few more of you out there so I'm posting a new thread. For four years now I have been collecting photos of the 53 and I have ended up with quite a few. Most are from the internet, but it takes time to search, four years to be exact, and I'm still not done. I have downloaded them and now they are in one place, my computer.

If you need some photos to help you detail a model, I could be of some help. I was a crew chief and a mechanic on the plane so if you need some technical info, again I may be of some help.

Please note, most of the pics I have downloaded from the internet and they were not taken by me so I cannot take credit. I just have them on my computer so you only have to look in one place. Write me and I'll be able to send them.

My e-mail address is Please send the following information when you write: How much space is available in your inbox. What kind of photos you need.

Before you write, try and follow the tip on the upper right hand side (Ctrl+F) and you should find some good interior and cockpit pics.

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