I couldn't agree with you more, Upnorth!
Too bad nearly all helicopters are designed with a military purpose in the minds of the designers. Is it a coincidence that those rare exceptions like the Bell 222/230/430 and the S76 are such great lookers?? And according to me, even the Sea King started to look better when it was turned into the S61N version as being used by civil operators.
And what makes it tragic for us civilian modellers is ofcourse the fact that we make too small a group to be interesting for the big kit-companies: why bother to release civil birds if most of your customers are mainly interested in Cobra's and Apaches and the likes?! (no offense intended here, military modellers!)
The only thing we can hope for, however paradoxically (?) it may sound is application of civil machines in military roles. (that is what -in a slightly similar way
- actually brought us the B222-kit, which originally was Airwolf!).
So I hope for military applications of the S-92 , the MD600N, MD900N, AB139, B430 and EC 155, all of which I'd love to see in kit form. I'll turn them into civilian machines myself!