Well, you can get a good deal from time to time. If you're lucky
enough to be one of the low bidders and no one else is bidding to drive
the price up. I've been lucky on a few occations. Very few.
It's really a matter of right place, right time, no to few biddrs.
As for the buy it now, that's just going from bidding to on-line
shopping. But as for good deals on ebay? It's a
I saw a rare kit one month go for like $10. Later, the same kit
came up, this time it went for $28. Yah, some people are stupid
enough to pay a high, rediculous price. More power to the seller.
I agree, you can find better deals on online hobby stores v.s. buy it now.
-The more I'm around humans, the more I prefer the company of birds and animals
-Even though the voices aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
-Here's your sign!